Application for Certificates for Construction, Building Work & Links to NSW Government Websites…
To assist you with the application process, you can download PDF versions of each application form and a variety of checklists, depending on your application type. Please click on the relevant application type below. Return the completed form and documentation listed in the checklist to Pro Cert Group. If you have any questions, please contact any of our Pro Cert Group offices for further assistance.
Application Form (All CC, CDC & OC Applications are made online via the NSW Planning Portal)
Crown Building Work Application (Pro Cert Group Pty Ltd Form)
Long Service Levy payment (link to NSW Government Website)
Final / Interim Fire Safety Certificate Form (link to NSW Government Website)
Annual and Supplementary Fire Safety Statement Form (link to NSW Government Website)
Below are some of the most frequently asked questions from our customers relating to development planning, building approvals and building certification.
If you can’t find an answer to your question, please call us today on either, depending on where your project is located, and one of our Pro Cert Group team will happily assist with your enquiry.
Dubbo - 02-6882 9866
Orange - 02 6361 0831
Tamworth - 02 6766 3388
Email us at or Submit An Enquiry
What is Development Planning?
Development planning is the process of researching the development application requirements for a development proposal. If you are planning to construct something on your property – from fences, carports, sheds to a new residential, industrial or commercial building – you need to know whether you are required to obtain an approval and what development controls apply. Development planning should identify the relevant requirements from Council’s Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP).
What is a Development Application (DA)?
A Development Application (DA) is a formal application for development that requires assessment and development consent under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. It is usually submitted to your local council and consists of standard application forms, supporting technical reports and plans.
The NSW government and local Councils have comprehensive and complex requirements for the lodgement of Development Applications. At Pro Cert Group we can assist you to prepare and submit all of the necessary information required by council and to avoid costly time delays which can obstruct your development project.
Prior to lodging a development application (DA) with Council, you need to review planning policies that apply to your land, in order to prepare your plans and supporting documentation. To see what local environmental planning constraints, applicable planning policies and permissible uses apply to your land or property, you can use the New South Wales Government Planning Portal.
If consent is granted for your development, a schedule of conditions will be issued with the notice of determination. The development consent is structured to assist in the project management of the development and these conditions must be complied with. The conditions should be read in conjunction with the stamped approved plans.
What is a Building Certification?
Building certification is the process of engaging registered certifiers to independently check and approve building works to ensure they comply with the safety, health, amenity and sustainability standards specified in legislation and building codes.
The main role of certifiers is to determine applications for Construction Certificates and Complying Development Certificates. Accredited certifiers may also be appointed as the Principal Ceritfier (PC) for the development. The Principal Certifier issues the Occupation Certificate at the completion of the development.
The Principal Certifier carries out critical stage inspections during construction to ensure the building work is in accordance with the development consent and legislative requirements.
At the completion of construction, the property owner must apply to the Principal Certifier for an Occupation Certificate. The Principal Certifier will conduct a final inspection and issue this certificate if they are satisfied that the building is suitable for occupation or use. A building must not be occupied or used without an Occupation Certificate.
What is a Construction Certificate?
Once development consent is granted, a Construction Certificate is required to be obtained prior to the commencement of building works. At Pro Cert Group we can issue a Construction Certificate after plans and specifications of the proposed works have been assessed to comply with Building Code of Australia and conditions of the development consent have been satisfied.
Applications for Constructions Certificates must be lodged via the NSW Planning Portal which can be accessed here: New South Wales Government Planning Portal
What is a Complying Development Certificate?
A Complying Development Certificate (CDC) is a fast-track approval process which combines both the Development Approval and Construction Certificate approval processes into one approval. As two approval processes are combined into one this can lead to significant time savings for straightforward residential, commercial and industrial development. The CDC approvals this can be issued by a registered certifier such as Pro Cert Group Pty Ltd and this process means that you do not have to wait on the issue of a Development Approval from a local Council.
To be approved under a Complying Development Certificate your development must meet set criteria, called Development Standards, under NSW Government Policies. To find out if your building project or renovation is complying development, and how to lodge an application for a CDC, contact one of the experienced team at Pro Cert Group Pty Ltd.
Applications for Complying Development Certificates must be lodged via the NSW Planning Portal which can be accessed here: New South Wales Government Planning Portal
What is an Occupation Certificate?
An Occupation Certificate (OC) is the certificate issued upon completion of your development after the final inspection has been carried out by your Principle Certifier. The OC confirms that the development has been constructed in accordance with the relevant requirements of your approval, either DA & CC or CDC and that it is suitable for occupation and/or use in accordance with its building classification under the National Construction Code.
Applications for Occupation Certificates must be lodged via the NSW Planning Portal which can be accessed here: New South Wales Government Planning Portal
Principal Certifier (PC)
At Pro Cert Group our experienced Registered Certifiers and our company, Pro Cert Group Pty Ltd, may be appointed as the Principal Certifier (PC) for your development. Our appointed the PC will work efficiently with the builder/developer and will undertake mandatory critical stage inspections at different stages during construction to ensure that the proposed building works comply with the building regulations and are generally consistent with the approved plans. At the completion of the project, the PC will confirm the building is to fit to occupy and will be responsible to issue the Occupation Certificate.
Appointments of Principal Certifiers must be lodged via the NSW Planning Portal which can be accessed here: New South Wales Government Planning Portal